Parse VDFs and Valve KeyValue Files

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All functionality is provided through the PyVDF module. import it and call it to create an instance, or just call the static methods off the import.

Basic Usage

import PyVDF
Foo = PyVDF()
Foo = PyVDF(data=StringOData)
Foo = PyVDF(infile="/path/to/file.ext")
Foo = PyVDF(infile=fileInstance)

PyVDF(data=None, infile=None)

Constructor that can take either a string of vdf data, or a filename or file instance

Foo = PyVDF(data='"Apples"{"NoApplesHere" "Nope"}')
Foo = PyVDF(infile='tests/test.vdf')
Foo = PyVDF(infile=open('tests/test.vdf', 'r'))
load(file/str f)

A method to load the contents of f

Foo = PyVDF()
Foo.load(open('tests/test.vdf', 'r'))
loads(str data)

String version of .load

A method to load the contents of a string

Foo = PyVDF()
Foo.loads('"Apples"{"AreApplesHere" "No Apples Here"}')

Return a dict or OrderedDict containing the objects data

Foo = PyVDF(infile='tests/test.vdf')
FooBar = Foo.getData()
setData(dict data)

Set the objects data to the given dict or OrderedDict

Foo = PyVDF()
Foo.setData({'Apples': {'AreApplesHere': 'No Apples Here'}})
find(str path)

Find a value from a path. ex. Apples.AreApplesHere

If a path contains a key that has periods in the name, Surround that part of the path in brackets.

ex. UserLocalConfigStore.depots.17522.CDN.[]

The part contains periods, and therefor must be surrounded in brackets.

If the path contains spaces, do not put it in quotes. That will look like literal quotes to python.

A non existant path will return an empty string

# No Apples Here

You can also use array notation get values

Bar = Foo['Apples.AreApplesHere']
edit(str path, str value)

Like find, but the second argument is the value to set for that key-path

Foo.edit('Apples.AreApplesHere', 'YES!!!')

You can also create new paths.

Foo.edit('Non.Existant.Path', 'FooBar')

You can also use array notation to set values

Foo['Path.To.Key'] = 'Value'
findMany(iterable paths)

like find, but will return a list of found or not found values.

Paths must be a list or a tuple of path strings.

Foo.findMany(['Apples.AreApplesHere', 'Non.Existant.Path'])
# ['YES!!!', 'FooBar']
editMany(iteral paths)

like edit and findMany, however the paths must be a list or tuple of lists or tuples.

Foo.editMany([('Apples.AreApplesHere', 'No'), ['Path', 'Yes']])
write_file(str filename)

Write the objects data to a file


Retrun the objects data as a VDF string

Bar = Foo.toString()

Static Calls

import PyVDF
FooBar ="/path/to/file.ext")
FooBar =
FooBar = PyVDF.reads(StringOData)
useFastDict(bool var)
setIndentation(str var)
setSpacing(str var)
setCondensed(bool var)
setMaxTokenLength(int var)
read(file/filename f)
reads(str data)
formatData(dict data)
writeData(file/filename f, dict data)